Container Gardening: Breathe New Life Into Hotel Balconies


Many people would pay a premium for hotel rooms with a private balcony. Yet some hotels that have this feature have nothing more to offer other than a sun-bleached, enclosed space with little aesthetic or personality.

This is a missed opportunity in terms of profit and customer satisfaction, whether your hotel is located off the grid or in the city not putting some design effort into your balcony might be the difference between a good review and a bad review. When people are walking around Paris, they look up and admire the gorgeous tangle of ivies, shrubs, and begonias wrapping around elaborate ironwork.

Balcony Beauty: Elevating the Hotel Experience Through Container Gardening

Clever styling, decorative planters, and an interesting mix of fauna will make a world of difference when it comes to your guest’s stay. The color green has a calming effect and plants bring comfort, making guests feel at home.

Here are some container gardening ideas to elevate your hotel’s in-room experience:

1. Create a Private Oasis Using Trough Planters

Many gardeners swear by the trough for its practical and aesthetic benefits. This type of planter has a long, narrow body that’s deep enough for climbers, ornamental trees, and other plants to grow, and tall enough to provide shade and privacy. A little nook on the balcony is a plus for guests who like to read, dine, or just relax al fresco. An enjoyable dining area with gorgeous patio furniture, pillows and string lights will also make room service a more attractive option than eating out, which translates into more profit for the hotel. Take a look at our selection of lightweight trough planters for inspiration.

2. Hang Plants for Subtle Screening

For balconies overlooking a beautiful courtyard, you might want to go easy on the plants and decorations. You’d want the space to be comfortable and private without obstructing the view. For balconies enclosed by railings, place hanging planters or baskets along the top rail and fill them with trailing plants, like common ivy, pelargonium, bougainvillea, morning glory, or Virginia creeper. These plants grow quickly and provide enough privacy without keeping the outdoors “out.” This technique also works well in small balconies. Instead of crowding the floor with planters, use hanging planters to create interest and height.

If you are not a fan of hanging plants, we suggest trying a round low-profile planter that adds visual appeal to the balcony without obstructing views.

3. Grow Dwarf Trees in Large Planters

A large balcony is perfect for container gardening. But, having a big space does warrant careful planning, design know-how, and lots of creativity. The rule of thumb is to think big. Instead of filling the area with small pots, make a big statement by planting dwarf trees in large containers. Dragon, palm, citrus, Japanese Maple, and Laurel trees are not only aromatic and attractive, but they also grow well in planters. Trees also do double duty by providing a relaxing and low-maintenance privacy screen for your guests.

Adding pops of fauna can energize an otherwise bare hotel balcony. You’re doing your guests (and your business) a huge favor by making their stay more comfortable and unique. Nothing beats having a place to unwind during a warm, sunny day while being away from the worries at home.

At PolyStone Planters™, we create lightweight,  high-performance planters designed to keep their integrity in different climates and environments. Check out our store or get in touch with us for more details.